Author: Michał Galubiński

Christmas is coming.


In Poland, it is a magical time not only for Christians. Generations of both believers and nonbelievers gather around the table. The tradition also assumes to leave an empty space at the table for a stranger who may always come. It is a symbol of kindness and care for every person.

Many of you have ordered posters as Christmas gifts. However, I would like to say today that gifts are not the most important (although, giving them to others, we show our commitment in our relations). The most important thing is to meet our loved ones. Or to think positively about one another, even if we are strangers to each other.

I wish you the best

I would like to thank you for the trust you have bestowed on me. And I wish you, no matter what culture you were raised in, to get into the spirit of this magical atmosphere. So that we all, at all times, look at each other with the kindness, which is now emerging.

Although I am not able to give you anything material for Christmas, I am always here to help, so if you need me, message me. I will try to help the best I can.

Thank you for your trust!
Michał Galubinski

To get a poster this year

This is the last moment

To get a poster this year

A lot of new products have appeared at the end of the year. The previously announced infographics have been just released. So new infographics have been added to the poster collection, namely PowerBook G3 and PowerMac G5.


I also drew a new series of posters inspired by the artistic output of Susan Kare – the author of the original Macintosh icons. The posters present the most prominent, groundbreaking Apple products in the form of 16×16 pixel icons.

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Last moment

It is the last wake-up call for all Europeans who want to receive their posters before Christmas. Unfortunately, posters to be shipped to countries outside Europe will not be delivered before Christmas. I print, pack and send the posters even within two hours, so that you can receive them for your loved ones or for yourself before December 24th.

Check the offer

I have also solved most of the technical problems of the store. The store has a security certificate, no errors pop up anymore and you can make payments in 3 currencies. The store has been available for two weeks now also on the Etsy platform, Facebook, Instagram and Google offers.

Thank you for your trust!
Michał Galubinski

Good morning!

Niesamowite rozpocząć oficjalnie przygodę z drukowaniem własnych autorskich plakatów. Każdy zadrukowany arkusz wychodzący z plotera to jest moc emocji i radości. Chcielibyśmy podzielić się tymi wszystkimi emocjami z Tobą, dla tego uruchomiliśmy własny sklep.

Zaczynamy skromnie bo z plakatami jedynie MacMuzeum, które projektuje od roku, ale w głowie jest cała masa pomysłów (dodatkowo w notatniku szkiców) które chciałbym szybko zrealizować i podzielić się z światem.

Jeśli jesteś fanem starych komputerów Mac / Macintosh lub sprzętu Apple to gorąco zachęcam do zakupów plakatów w które włożyłem całe mnóstwo czasu i energii aby jakość satysfakcjonowała jak największe grono pozytywnie zakręconych osób.

Gdybyś wolał inną tematykę to polecam śledzić nasz profil na instagramie oraz facebooku gdzie będziemy się dzielić na bierząco realizacjami i nowościami.