In Poland, it is a magical time not only for Christians. Generations of both believers and nonbelievers gather around the table. The tradition also assumes to leave an empty space at the table for a stranger who may always come. It is a symbol of kindness and care for every person.
Many of you have ordered posters as Christmas gifts. However, I would like to say today that gifts are not the most important (although, giving them to others, we show our commitment in our relations). The most important thing is to meet our loved ones. Or to think positively about one another, even if we are strangers to each other.
I wish you the best
I would like to thank you for the trust you have bestowed on me. And I wish you, no matter what culture you were raised in, to get into the spirit of this magical atmosphere. So that we all, at all times, look at each other with the kindness, which is now emerging.
Although I am not able to give you anything material for Christmas, I am always here to help, so if you need me, message me. I will try to help the best I can.

Michał Galubinski